Laurea con lode in Medicina e Chirurgia (Università Cattolica di Roma) nel 1994. Specializzazione con lode in Chirurgia Toracica (Università Cattolica di Roma) nel 2000.
Attività Clinica
Posizione attuale
– Dal marzo 2005 Dirigente medico di ruolo presso la U.O.C. dell’Ospedale Sant’Andrea – Università “La Sapienza” di Roma.
– Titolare di incarico di Alta Specializzazione di Fascia 1 in chirurgia video-toracoscopica
– Ha effettuato oltre 3800 interventi di chirurgia toracica maggiore come primo operatore (periodo 2002/2019).
– Attività Chirurgica periodo 2016-2019: 1050 interventi di Chirurgia Toracica Maggiore
Formazione all’estero
Dipartimento di Chirurgia Toracica del Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA (1999).
Attività didattica
– Abilitato al ruolo di professore ordinario (prima fascia) in Chirurgia Toracica con il bando scientifico nazionale 2018-2020 – secondo quadrimestre “
– Abilitato al ruolo di Professore di seconda fascia in Chirurgia Toracica (bando scientifico nazionale 2012; DPR n. 222 del 2011)
-Membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Oncologia – Università Sapienza, Roma
-Professore a contratto in Chirurgia Toracica nel Corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia – II Facoltà (attuale Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia), Università “La Sapienza” di Roma a partire dall’anno accademico 2003-2004.
Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery-Postgraduate course 2013
European Lung Cancer Conference 2012
Attività scientifica
Abilitazione al ruolo di professore ordinario (prima fascia) in Chirurgia Toracica con il bando scientifico nazionale 2018-2020 – secondo quadrimestre “.
Abilitazione a Professore di seconda fascia in Chirurgia Toracica con il bando scientifico nazionale 2012 (DPR n.222 2011)
Visiting Professor presso l’Universita’ di Shanghai (Fudan University of Shanghai)
Attività editoriale
Reviewer delle seguenti riviste internazionali :
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
- European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
- Annals of Thoracic Surgery
- PLoS-One
- Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
- Surgical Oncology
- European Surgical Research
- Updates in Surgery
- Journal of Clinical Case Reports
Editor di testi internazionali delle principali collane editoriali
Membership Società Scientifiche Internazionali
- Eletto Membro American Association for Thoracic Surgery nel 2015 (solo altri 9 chirurghi toracici italiani membri attivi eletti in precedenza)
- Membro della European Association Cardio-thoracic Surgery
- Membro della European Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Attività congressuale
Docente/Relatore in numerosi Corsi Internazionali di aggiornamento in Chirurgia Toracica per specialisti tenuti all’estero ed in Italia.
Congressi/Corsi Internazionali
- Advancements in interventional Pulmonology, Thoracic Surgery and Pulmonary Oncology – Victors 2018. Verona (Italy)15-16 November 2018 (Speaker/Moderator/Discussant)
- The birth of ERAS: where are we in Thoracic Surgery. 32nd European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery Annual Meeting. Milan (Italy) 18-20 October 2018
- ERAS in VATS lobectomy: preoperative optimization. VATS and RATS lobectomy up to date. Bolzano 9-10 Novembre 2017.
- Brochovascular reconstructions in lung cancer surgery. Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery. Madrid (Spain) 8 May 2013
- Surgical approaches beyond lobectomy and pneumonectomy. 3rd European Lung Cancer Conference (Joint ESMO-IASLC Meeting). Geneva (Switzerland) 18-21 April 2012
- Extended resections (Pancoast, chest wall, Superior Vena Cava, atrium). European School for Cardiothoracic Surgery – Thoracic Course, Part I. Bergamo (Italy) 11-15 April 2011
- Surgery for Emphysema. American College Chest Physician (Italian Chapter). Rome 3 December 2010
- Surgery for laryngo-tracheal stenosis. First Course of Laryngo-tracheal surgery. Valencia (Spain) 3-5 April 2008
- Endobronchial treatment of emphysema. European Expert Meeting. Fribourg (Switzerland) 16 June 2006
Congressi/Corsi Nazionali
- Workshop “Lo screening nel tumoredel polmone” – Ministero della Salute – Roma 17 gennaio 2019
– Simposio UPMC “Il ruolo della radioterapia stereotassica discusso negli ambulatori
multidisciplinari” – Roma 14-15 dicembre 2018 (Discussant)
- Corso AIMS – Advanced Surgery , Hands-on experience. L’utilizzo degli emostatici e sigillanti in chirurgia toracica. Milano 24-25 ottobre 2018 (Relatore/docente)
- Congresso Interregionale Associazione Italiana Oncologia Medica (AIOM) Polmone. Roma 21-22 Settembre 2018
- ERAS nella VATS lobectomy: ottimizzazione pre-operatoria ed aspetti assistenziali. Assemblea Nazionale VATS Group 2018. San Giovanni Rotondo 13-14 Aprile 2018.
- VATS segmentectomy: Pro and Cons. Update di tecnica e tecnologia nelle resezioni anatomiche toracoscopiche (Italian VATS Group). Padova (Italy) 30 Marzo 2017.
- Vecchio e nuovo T4: possibilità chirurgiche. Il cancro del polmone: verso la rete oncologica pugliese. Foggia 8-9 giugno 2017
- Protocollo assistenziale-nutrizionale ERAS nella VATS Lobectomy. ERAS e Fast-track nella VATS Lobectomy. Desenzano del Garda 3-4 Feb 2017
- Le infezioni in Chirurgia Toracica. I costi delle infezioni. Roma 25-26 novembre 2016
- Convegno F.O.N.I.CA.P. “Lucie d ombre nella diagnosi e trattamento delle neoplasie polmonari nel Lazio” Roma, 27 Novembre 2015 (relatore).
- Prospective randomized study to evaluate the efficacy of Coseal sealant for air leak control after lung surgery: analysis of results. 33th Meeting of the Italian Society for Thoracic Surgery. Pisa 17 Giugno 2012.
- Trattamento chirurgico dell’enfisema. Workshop multidisciplinare in Medicina Toracica. Firenze 16 Dicembre 2011
- Bronchial and vascular sleeve resection. 7° Corso Multidisciplinare in Patologia Toracica. Lecce 6-7 Dicembre 2010
- Patologie della pleura. Convegno AIMAR “Pneumologia e dintorni” . Roma 12 Novembre 2010
- Postoperative management of patients undergoing lung surgery. Second Consensus Conference of the Italian Association for Respiratory Disease. Roma 29 maggio 2010.
- Trattamento broncoscopico dell’enfisema. 4° Corso Dauno Nazionale. Aggiornamenti in Patologia Toracica. Foggia 28-29 settembre 2007.
- Surgical treatment of stage I lung cancer: results and prognostic factors. 9th National Meeting of Surgical Oncology. Foggia 10-12 Aprile 2003
– Relatore in numerosi congressi internazionali tenuti all’estero tra i quali quelli delle società scientifiche: European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS), American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS), Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC).
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Ciccone AM, et al. Long segment pulmonary artery sesection to avoid pneumonectomy: long term results after prosthetic replacement. 30th EACTS Annual Meeting, Barcelona (Spain) 2016
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, et al. Successful endoscopic treatment of severe ischemic damage of the bronchus. 24th ESTS Annual Meeting, Naples (Italy) 2016
D’Andrilli A, Fiorelli A, Vanni C, et al. Iterative surgery for re-recurrence after complete resection of thymic tumors. 52th STS Annual Meeting, Phoenix (Arizona, USA) 2016
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Andreetti C, et al. Long term results of laryngotracheal resection for benign stenosis from a series of 109 consecutive patients. 29th EACTS Annual Meeting Amsterdam (Netherlands) 2015
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim, Maurizi G, Pellegrini M, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Radical resection of thymic carcinoma infiltrating lung, pulmonary artery, superior vena cava and pericardium. 94th AATS Annual Meeting, Toronto (Canada) 2014
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Poggi C, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Pulmonary artery reconstruction with pulmonary vein conduit for lung cancer: Medium term results. 50th STS Annual Meeting, Orlando (USA) 2014
D’Andrilli A, De Cecco CN, Maurizi G, Muscogiuri G, Baldini R, David V, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Reconstruction of the Superior Vena Cava by biologic conduit: assessment of long-term patency by magnetic resonance imaging. 49th STS Annual Meeting, Los Angeles (USA) 2013
D’Andrilli A, Natoli G, Scarpino S, Rendina EA. Stage I non-small cell lung cancer: the presence of the lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosin kinase in the tumour infiltrate is associated with a better long-term prognosis. 19th ESTS annual Meeting, Marseille (France) 2011
D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Transdiaphragmatic harvesting of the omentum through thoracotomy for bronchial stump reinforcement. 45th STS Annual meeting, San Francisco (CA, USA) 2009
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Ibrahim M, Ciccone AM, Massullo D, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Superior Vena Cava replacement by the stapled pericardial conduit associated with double sleeve resection of the bronchus and pulmonary artery. 45th STS Annual Meeting, San Francisco (USA) 2009
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Pompili C, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Sleeve pneumonectomy with reconstruction of the Superior Vena Cava by a newly devised biological prosthesis. 44th STS Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale (USA) 2008
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Ibrahim M, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, Mansmann U, Rendina EA. A prospective randomized study to assess the efficacy of a surgical sealant to treat air leaks in lung surgery. 22nd EACTS Annual Meeting, Lisbon (Portugal) 2008
D’Andrilli A, Vismara L, Rolla M, Ibrahim M, Venuta F, Pochesci I, Masciangelo R, Rendina EA. Computed tomography with volume rendering for the evaluation of parenchymal hyperinflation after bronchoscopic lung volume reduction. 16th ESTS Annual Meeting, Bologna (Italy) 2008
D’Andrilli A, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, Ibrahim M, Andreetti C, Massullo D, Formisano R, Rendina EA. Long-term results of laryngotracheal resection for benign stenosis. 21st EACTS Annual Meeting, Geneva (Switzerland) 2007
D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, De Giacomo T, Massullo D, Pinto G, Rendina EA. Intrapleural intercostal nerve block associated with mini-thoracotomy improves pain control after major lung resection. 19th EACTS Annual Meeting and 13th ESTS Annual Meeting, Barcelona (Spain) 2005.
Andreetti C, D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Ciccone AM, Maurizi G, Mattia A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Effective treatment of post-pneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula by conical fully covered self-expandable stent. 19th ESTS Annual Meeting, Marseille (France) 2011.
Granone P, Margaritora S, D’Andrilli A, et al. Major lung resection in the elderly patient. 6th ESTS Annual Meeting. Portoroz (Slovenia) 1998
Autore di 15 capitoli su Textbooks anglosassoni e su libri di testo nazionali.
Autore di oltre 200 pubblicazioni delle quali 95 su riviste internazionali peer-reviewed presenti nell’Index Medicus ed in Excerpta Medica. Primo autore di 40 articoli su riviste internazionali “peer reviewed” con impact factor. [aggiornamento al 12-2018]
Principali pubblicazioni su riviste/volumi internazionali
“peer reviewed” come primo autore (aggiornato al 2018)
D’Andrilli A, Massullo D, Rendina EA.. Enhanced recovery pathways in thoracic surgery from Italian VATS Group: preoperative optimisation. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(S4):S535-541
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA. Preface. In: Advances in Lung Transplantation. Zhao H, Kreisel D, Cypel M eds. AME Publishing Company, Hong Kong 2018:p V-VI.
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and fast-track in video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy: preoperative optimisation and care-plans. J Vis Surg 2018; 4: 4-9
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA. POINT: Should Segmentectomy Rather Than Lobectomy Be the Operation of Choice for Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? Yes.. CHEST 2018;153:590-592
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA.. Rebuttal from Drs D’Andrilli and Rendina.. CHEST 2018;153(3):595-596
D’Andrilli A, Poggi C, Rendina EA, Venuta F. Superior Vena Cava resection and reconstruction. In: Scarci M, Sihoe ADL, Bedetti B eds. Open Thoracic Surgery AME Publishing Company 2017, p. 206-212
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Ciccone AM, Andreetti C, Ibrahim M, Menna C, Vanni C, Venuta F, Rendina EA.. Long-segment pulmonary artery resection to avoid pneumonectomy: long-term results after prosthetic replacement. Eur J Cardiothorac Surgery 2017, ISSN: 1010-7940, doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezx353
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Menna C, Rendina EA. Successful endoscopic treatment of severe ischemic damage of the bronchus.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2017; 154: e17-e19
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA, Anile M, Venuta F: Anterior mediastinal lesions. In: Kaiser et al’s 6th ed. Operative Thoracic Surgery. CRC Press, USA. 2017
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Subglottic tracheal stenosis. J Thorac Dis 2016;8(Suppl2):S140-S147
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Andreetti C, et al. Sleeve lobectomy versus standard lobectomy for lung cancer: functional and oncologic evaluation. Ann Thorac Surg 2016;101(5):1936-42
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Andreetti C, et al. Long-term results of laryngotracheal resection for benign stenosis from a series of 109 consecutive patients. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2016;50(1):105-9
D’Andrilli A, Vanni C, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Critical tracheal stenosis caused by mediastinal lipomatosis: long term efficacy of airway stenting. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015;149(6):e109-10
D’Andrilli A, Cavaliere I, Maurizi G, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Baldini R, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Evaluation of the efficacy of a hemostatic matrix for control of intraoperative and postoperative bleeding in major lung surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2015;48:679-83
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Poggi C, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Pulmonary artery reconstruction with pulmonary vein conduit for lung cancer: Medium term results. Ann Thorac Surg 2014;98:990-5
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Bronchial and arterial sleeve resection after induction therapy for lung cancer. Thorac Surg Clin 2014;24(4):411-21 doi:10.1016/j.thorsurg.2014.07.006
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Pulmonary Artery sleeve resection and lobectomy. In: Mathisen D, Morse C ed: Masters in Thoracic Surgery. Lippincott William & Wilkins. 2014
D’Andrilli A, De Cecco CN, Maurizi G, Muscogiuri G, Baldini R, David V, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Reconstruction of the Superior Vena Cava by biologic conduit: assessment of long-term patency by magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96:1039-45
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. The role of lymphadenectomy in lung cancer surgery. Thorac Surg Clin. 2012 May;22(2):227-37.
D’Andrilli A, Natoli G, Scarpino S, Rendina EA. Stage I non-small cell lung cancer: the presence of the lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosin kinase in the tumour infiltrate is associated with a better long-term prognosis. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2012 Jul;15(1):148-51.
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA. A prospective randomeized trial to assess the effectiveness of Coseal to seal air leaks in lung surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012 Apr;41(4):968-9; author reply 969-70
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Current role of bronchoplastic procedure for lung cancer. Thoracic Surgery Bulletin 2012
D’Andrilli A, Cavaliere I, Cassiano F, et al. Surgical approaches beyond lobectomy and pneumonectomy. J Thorac Oncol 2012;7(6):S18-19
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Menna C, Rendina EA. Extensive resections: pancoast tumors, chest wall resections, en bloc vascular resections. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2011 Oct;20(4):733-56.
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Resection for patients initially diagnosed with N3 lung cancer after response to induction therapy. In: Ferguson MK ed. Difficult decisions in Thoracic Surgery. An evidence based approach. Springer, New York 2007; 128-139
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA, Venuta F. Tracheal surgery. Monadi Arch Chest Dis 2010;73(3):105-115
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Surgical approaches for invasive tumors of the anterior mediastinum. Thorac Surg Clin 2010;20(2):265-84
D’Andrilli A, Rendina EA. Reply to Goldsmith. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2010;37:987. doi:10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.10.015
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Poggi C, et al. T4 lung cancer: results of surgical treatment. Minerva Chir 2010;65(5):569-75
D’Andrilli A, Maurizi G, Poggi C, Siciliani A, Korasidis S, Rendina EA. Riduzione di volume broncoscopica. Atti Accad Lancisiana 2010
D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Andreetti C, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Transdiaphragmatic harvesting of the omentum through thoracotomy for bronchial stump reinforcement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009 Jul;88(1):212-5.
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Ibrahim M, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, Mansmann U, Rendina EA.
A prospective randomized study to assess the efficacy of a surgical sealant to treat air leaks in lung surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 May;35(5):817-20; discussion 820-1.
D’Andrilli A, Vismara L, Rolla M, Ibrahim M, Venuta F, Pochesci I, Masciangelo R, Rendina EA. Computed tomography with volume rendering for the evaluation of parenchymal hyperinflation after bronchoscopic lung volume reduction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Mar;35(3):403-7.
D’Andrilli A, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, Ibrahim M, Andreetti C, Massullo D, Formisano R, Rendina EA. Long-term results of laryngotracheal resection for benign stenosis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008 Mar;33(3):440-3
D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA. Resection for patients initially diagnosed with N3 lung cancer after response to induction therapy. In: Ferguson MK ed. Difficult decisions in Thoracic Surgery. An evidence based approach. Sprinter, New York 2007; 128-139
D’Andrilli A, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Andreetti C, Pompili C, Rendina EA. [Surgical therapy of invasive thymoma]. Minerva Chir 2007;62(suppl 1al n.3):49-52
D’Andrilli A, Andreetti C, Ibrahim M, Rendina EA. The evolution of a pleural nodule into a giant fibrous tumor associated with hypoglycemic coma. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007 May;31(5):955-7
D’Andrilli A, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Andreetti C, Rendina EA. Pneumonectomy versus sleeve resection. J Thorac Oncology 2007;2(8) supplement 4:170-1
D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Ciccone AM, Venuta F, De Giacomo T, Massullo D, Pinto G, Rendina EA. Intrapleural intercostal nerve block associated with mini-thoracotomy improves pain control after major lung resection. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2006;29:790-4
D’Andrilli A, Ciccone AM, Ibrahim M, Venuta F, Rendina EA A new technique for prosthetic reconstruction of the superior vena cava. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006;132:192-4
D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Venuta F, De Giacomo T, Rendina EA. Glutaraldehyde preserved autologous pericardium for patch reconstruction of the pulmonary artery and superior vena cava. Ann Thorac Surg 2005;80:357-8
D’Andrilli A, Ibrahim M, Rendina EA. Tecniche e problematiche della tracheostomia chirurgica. Minerva Anestesiol 2003; 69(Suppl 1 al9) :109-111
D’Andrilli A, Margaritora S, Cesario A, et al. Lung cancer with solitary cerebral metastasis. Gastroenterology International Vol 10 (Suppl.3), 909-10, 1997.
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